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Mathematics and Computer Science

W.J. Cody Associates

Named for one of the pioneers in elementary functions and numerical software libraries, the W. J. Cody Associates summer program for Ph.D. students provides an unprecedented opportunity for students to work with experts in the computing sciences.

Application consideration will begin on January 15 (early application deadline) and continue until March 1 (final application deadline), or until all available slots have been filled.

As a Cody Associate, you will work actively with Argonne scientists in designing, analyzing, and implementing algorithms and software for scientific computing at extreme scale. Researchers in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division will help you gain new insights into parallel programming models, runtime systems and compilers; data management and storage; edge computing; performance modeling and optimization; software engineering; data analysis and visualization; machine learning and computer vision; and quantum computing and quantum networks. You will work in a research environment that includes the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, with access to one of DOE’s leadership-class computers.

Key Notes:

  • Appointments are for 10 to 14 summer weeks.
  • U.S. citizenship/permanent residency is not required.
How to Apply:

For questions about W.J. Cody Associates, please email cody@​mcs.​anl.​gov.