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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Imaging lattice displacement within a nanocrystal from multiple coherent Bragg peak reflections

In a study published in npj Computational Materials, researchers demonstrated 3D imaging of lattice displacement fields within nanoscale crystals.

Scientific Achievement

Three-dimensional nanoscale imaging of vector-valued lattice displacement fields in crystals was demonstrated via an optimization-based inversion approach for multi-reflection Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (MR-BCDI).

Significance and Impact

This achievement will enable efficient imaging of lattice defects and heterogeneities that govern the behavior of nanoparticles, and it paves the way for in-situ studies at APS-U with high-throughput in-situ MR-BCDI.

Research Details

  • A model of MR-BCDI diffraction was developed that accounts for the geometric factors of realistic measurements and that is amenable to inversion with global optimization.
  • This MR-BCDI approach was used to visualize an internal lattice displacement vector field within a SiC nanoparticle fabricated by methods used to make quantum sensors.

DOI: 10.1038/s41524-023-01022-7

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