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Research Highlight | Materials Science

Surface termination of diamond: Investigated and modified with atomic layer deposition

In a study published in Carbon, researchers use atomic layer deposition to distinguish between different common surface terminations on diamond, which is important to quantum sensing applications.

Scientific Achievement

  • Atomic layer deposition (ALD) was used to probe the differences in surface chemistry of diamond 001 terminations for the first time.
  • This technique can be used both as an analytical technique to give information about surface chemistry and as a deposition/passivation method.

Significance and Impact

  • Diamond surface termination is extremely important for quantum sensing and device integration.
  • This work paves the way for a facile termination characterization methodology as well as in-situ quantum relevant surface passivation schemes.

Research Details

  • ALD is gas-solid surface reactions, here the reactivity surface terminations can be modified in situ or probed by the deposition of Al2O3 on the diamond surface.
  • In-situ treatments had significantly altered surface chemistry as demonstrated by the effect on nucleation of material on the surface.

DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118276

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