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Below is a comprehensive list of articles, events, projects, references and research related content that is specific to the organization described above. Use the filter to narrow the results further or please visit Biosciences Division for more information.

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  • Subsurface Science

    Argonne’s Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program seeks to identify and understand hydrobiogeochemical transformations of iron and sulfur.
  • Protein Stability Engineering

    Proteins such as antibodies and enzymes represent a rich source of molecular recognition tools and catalytic reagents unmatched in other materials.
  • Microbial Ecology

    The Microbial Systems and Computational Biology group aims to understand the distributions of functions that natural microbial communities exhibit at different scales.
  • Microbial Community Science

    Microbial community analysis and prediction aims to explore the part of the biosphere that controls 99% of the biochemistry on planet earth.
  • EnviroCAT

    At the MRCAT/EnviroCAT Insertion Device beamline located at the Advanced Photon Source, emphasis is focused on XAS-based studies. Currently, it is the only ID beamline in the United States dedicated to XAS measurements.
  • Biosciences

    Argonne’s Biosciences Division seeks to use state-of-the-art technology to conduct multidisciplinary basic research that will increase our understanding of the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life.
  • Subsurface Biogeochemical Research

    The long-term goal of the Argonne Wetland Hydrobiogeochemistry Scientific Focus Area is to develop a mechanistic understanding and ability to model the coupled hydrological, geochemical, and biological processes controlling water quality in wetlands.