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  • Federal Agencies

    Argonne regularly collaborates with federal agencies to help them better achieve their missions
  • Private Industry

    Argonne regularly works with companies large and small to help them overcome scientific and technical challenges and seize opportunities
  • Small Business Program

    Strengthening national and regional economies by providing contracting opportunities for small businesses.
    woman walking into building
  • Entrepreneurial Ventures

    Argonne offers multiple resources and pathways for those interested in learning about and pursuing entrepreneurship.
  • A more efficient cooling system for highway trucks
    Intellectual Property Available to License
    US Patent 9,285,170 B2
    • Hybrid Radiator Cooling System (ANL-IN-11-096)

    Current Challenges 

    Coolant radiators in highway trucks are designed to transfer maximum heat at a design condition.” The current standard design condition is a fully-loaded truck climbing up Baker Grade on the hottest summer day. The coolant system, including radiator, is sized to remove 100% of the required heat from the engine at the design condition without boiling the coolant, which results in a large radiator. Consequently, the radiator is oversized for most driving conditions. In some applications the radiator size is limited by the vehicle frontal area, and the engine power may be limited by the radiator size. The key factor affecting the radiator size is the heat transfer coefficient of the outside air flowing over it. If this coefficient is increased, the radiator can be more efficient. A smaller radiator may be sufficient for the same engine, or more heat could be transferred from an existing radiator, allowing for a bigger engine. 

    The Solution 

    Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory have made novel modifications in the design of coolant radiators that provide a better air-side heat transfer coefficient. The new design is a Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System that utilizes conventional finned air cooling under most driving conditions that would be sufficient to remove all of the required engine heat. Under extreme driving conditions, additional active evaporative cooling is employed to remove the total heat load. In this Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System, depending on the need of heat transfer, only at or very near the thermal design condition, the active heat transfer mechanism is deployed increasing the heat transfer coefficient in a conventional radiator. In detailed computational analysis, the Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System increased heat transfer rate up to 46%. 

    There are two primary applications for the Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System. An existing engine can function with a smaller radiator and cooling system, or an existing radiator and cooling system can support a larger engine. Both applications are of interest to segments of the automotive industry. 


    The Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System that:

    • Delivers a 46% higher heat removal over conventional radiator. 
    • Has a smaller radiator that reduces parasitic losses and provides for a more aerodynamic front design. 
    • Makes it possible to equip highway trucks with higher horsepower engines.

    Applications and Industries 

    A better cooling system for 

    • highway trucks; and 
    • other diesel engines 

    Development Status 

    The Hybrid Radiator-Cooling System was analyzed numerically at Argonne National Laboratory in combination with a 500 horse power Cummins Class 8 diesel engine and its performance compared with the conventional cooling system. 

  • Minimizes burden on power grid
    Intellectual Property Available to License
    US Patent 8,786,249 B2
    • Smart” Frequency-Sensing Charge Controller for Electric Vehicles (IN-10-049)
    Charging circuit. Argonne’s smart controller (FBCC) is shown on top.

    The Invention

    A smart” frequency-based charge controller (FBCC) system for electric vehicles and a method for implementing demand response and regulation services to power grids.

    As plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles become more popular, they create additional demand for electricity. Their emergence also raises a host of issues regarding how, where and when car batteries should be charged—and the resulting load on the power grid.

    Electric utilities strive to avoid large fluctuations in the power supply and keep the system’s frequency stable at 60 Hz. In this way, they maintain balance in supply and demand and avoid severe imbalances that could lead to a system blackout. Large numbers of cars needing a charge at the same time could potentially tax the power grid unduly.

    To counter these challenges, Argonne’s system uses frequency-sensing charge controllers that provide automatic demand response and regulation service to the grid by reducing or turning the charging load completely off if the system frequency falls below given threshold, and turning it back on after the balance of supply and demand has been restored. The system minimizes the burden on the power grid and provides significant benefits to electric utilities by providing a frequency-responsive load.

    Current systems that regulate electric power lie almost exclusively on the supply side, requiring utilities to constantly adjust the power output of their generating units to match consumer demand. By contrast, the Argonne-developed system operates from the demand side, relying on a highly responsive frequency-sensing charge controller. The controller continuously monitors power grid frequency and compares it to a predefined tolerance band, then applies it to a programmable logic controller. A charge controller and a switch connected to a battery charger receive respective identified control actions for managing the charger. The controller responds automatically to large drops in grid frequency by shedding the vehicle’s charging load, and resumes charging once the grid disturbance has passed. In this way, it turns the charging load of electric vehicles into a frequency-responsive load which helps regulate system frequency from the demand side and reduces the need for under-frequency shedding of other consumer loads.


    • Small, inexpensive to manufacture and easy to install
    • Can be installed on a vehicle or its battery charger
    • Requires no maintenance
    • Operates automatically; does not need signals from the utility dispatch center 
    • Permits better integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the power grid by quickly compensating for their variability 
    • Safe: not vulnerable to cyber attack or terrorist threat 
    • Increases the reliability and security of the power supply and reduces the risks of power outages 

    Applications and Industries 

    • Power industry 
    • Automotive industry 

    Developmental Stage 

    Ready for commercialization