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Science and Technology Partnerships and Outreach

Private Industry

Science and technology to support your company’s bottom line

Argonne regularly works with companies large and small to help them overcome scientific and technical challenges and seize opportunities

Argonne offers the following to its industry partners:

  • One-stop shop: Scientists and engineers from diverse disciplines to meet your needs
  • Sensitivity to your needs for cost, timeliness and performance
  • World-class expertise, technologies and research facilities that aren’t found in the private sector
  • Pathways to collaborating with you, regardless of company size
  • Proven track record of working with hundreds of companies to address business and technical issues and deliver superior results, opening doors to breakthrough and disruptive technologies

There are multiple mechanisms through which companies can collaborate with Argonne:

Strategic Partnership Project

A Strategic Partnership Project (SPP) is a contract that enables your company to pay the laboratory to perform a defined scope of work with tasks that draw upon the unique facilities, equipment and personnel of the laboratory. With certain Department of Energy approvals, the sponsor may obtain ownership of both inventions and data generated under an SPP.

Technical Service Agreement

Similar to a Strategic Partnership Project (SPP), a Technical Service Agreement (TSA) is a cost-reimbursable service contract intended for short-term projects under $250,000 and is limited to domestic organizations. These agreements do not involve R&D. The sponsor typically can designate data/results as proprietary.

Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

A Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) is a cost-shared research and development agreement that allows your company to work collaboratively with Argonne to share technical expertise, develop novel technologies/solutions and access intellectual property emerging from the effort.

Technology Licensing Agreement

A licensing agreement typicallyprovides commercialization rights to patented and/or copyrighted intellectual property developed at Argonne. Agreements are tailored to address the specific technology and licensing situation.