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The objectives of Argonne National Laboratory’s Joint Appointment Program are to:

  • Promote research and collaboration in areas aligned with the scientific and technical priorities of Argonne and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Facilitate the building of world-class research programs by maximizing the unique intellectual and physical resources of both Argonne and partner universities
  • Establish a network and an exchange of knowledge to enhance the intellectual vitality and research impact of Argonne and partner universities
  • Increase synergies between DOE and academic programs

A joint appointment may comprise an Argonne employee to a university, or a university employee to Argonne. Joint appointments are reviewed at least every two years.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must be an employee of Argonne or a university. Joint appointments cannot be used for students, employees of for-profit corporations, or individuals who are not collaborating as employees of a U.S. university.

The appointee remains an employee of the home institution while contributing to the mission of both institutions. Joint appointments may not be requested for the purpose of establishing a named affiliation, site or computer access, or to fulfill a temporary employment need where other existing Argonne policies and contractual agreements are applicable.


A joint appointment should be research-based in nature, and appointments must provide a demonstrable value to the scientific and technical priorities of both Argonne and the university. A joint appointment may be requested for the reasons below and is subject to pre-approval and periodic review by the respective Argonne division director and associate laboratory director:

  • Establish a professional network and a productive relationship with the partner institution
  • Participation on committees (including academic advisory) and/or workshops
  • Gain access to unique resources at the host institution
  • Supervise/mentor graduate students
  • Research-based collaboration in anticipation of participating on a research project
  • Participation on a research project as a principal investigator (PI) or a co-PI (requires effort reimbursement agreement)
Universities with which Argonne is currently contracted for joint appointments
  • George Mason University
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Michigan Technological University  
  • Northern Arizona University
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Northwestern University
  • Ohio State University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Purdue University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Houston
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Oregon
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Virginia Tech


Questions related to eligibility for a joint appointment may be directed to the Joint Appointment Program Manager at jointappointment@​anl.​gov.