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Reference | Procedure | Science and Technology Partnerships and Outreach

University of Chicago Basic Ordering Technical Service Agreement

If your home institution is the University of Chicago, the vehicle for ordering the service you need is a "Basic Ordering Technical Service Agreement" (BOA) written by Argonne and signed by authorized procurement officials at the University and Argonne. Under a BOA, the charge to the University for a given job includes the same Laboratory indirect charges that would be charged to an Argonne research project purchasing the same job. Here's what you'll need to do:

  • Get in touch with the appropriate person from the facility that will perform the work for a preliminary discussion of your job.
  • If the preliminary discussion confirms that your needs (including turnaround time) and Argonne's capabilities are a good match, the contact person or a designee will ask you for the detailed input needed to prepare a Statement of Work and a price quote.
  • Concurrently, contact the person in your department or institute who handles procurements and arrange for the preparation of a University Purchase Request form 100. The Form 100 should be made out to the Argonne facility you wish to use. In the "Notes to supplier" section, include the words "Argonne's Basic Ordering Technical Service Agreement No. 87R01." Attach a copy of the final and accepted Statement of Work and price quote and forward all documents to the University's Central Procurement Services (CPS) department. CPS will issue the purchase order along with a signed release order.