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Awards and Recognition | Physical Sciences and Engineering

October 2022 PSE Employees of the Month

Brenzing, Trask and Rodrigues recognized as October 2022 PSE Employees of the Month

The Physical Sciences and Engineering (PSE) Employees of the Month program recognizes individuals based on the excellence of their work and demonstration of Argonne’s Core Values: Impact, Safety, Respect, Integrity and Teamwork.

October 2022 PSE Employee of the Month — Operations category

  • Judy Brenzing (PSE) has been invaluable in organizing meetings involving large numbers of attendees. She has shown initiative in organizing and having materials approved quickly in support of several high-level visits. Judy has demonstrated the Core Values of Teamwork and Impact.

October 2022 PSE Employees of the Month — Programmatic category

  • Steve Trask and Marco Rodrigues (CSE) were tasked with delivering high-energy lithium-ion batteries to meet a research obligation of the Silicon Consortium Program. This task was challenging because it involved several interrelated and complicated steps regarding battery manufacturing and assembly. Steve and Marco persisted and met the programmatic goals in a timely manner. They also made their research available to the consortium community. Their success can be attributed to their many months of focused and sustained effort. They demonstrate the Core Values of Impact, Integrity and Teamwork.


Each month, the PSE Associate Laboratory Director and Division Directors review PSE Employees of the Month nominations and select recipients. All Argonne employees are eligible for nomination, including people within PSE and those who work with PSE. All PSE staff, postdocs and students are welcome to submit nominations.

Argonne National Laboratory seeks solutions to pressing national problems in science and technology. The nation’s first national laboratory, Argonne conducts leading-edge basic and applied scientific research in virtually every scientific discipline. Argonne researchers work closely with researchers from hundreds of companies, universities, and federal, state and municipal agencies to help them solve their specific problems, advance America’s scientific leadership and prepare the nation for a better future. With employees from more than 60 nations, Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit https://​ener​gy​.gov/​s​c​ience.