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Physical Sciences and Engineering

Research Facilities

Research Facility

Glassblowing Studio

Argonne’s scientific glassblower can be a one-stop shop for your research needs. The Glassblowing Studio provides a wide range of custom glassware to enable breakthrough research.
Research Facility

High-Throughput Research Laboratory

Argonne’s High-Throughput Research Laboratory (HTRL) utilizes highly automated and parallel approaches for applying high-throughput and combinatorial experimental methodologies to accelerate the development of new materials.
Research Facility

4 Tesla Magnet Facility

The magnet allows for the measurement and calibration of the experiment’s custom-built probes, as it provides not only a strong field but one that is uniform and stable.
Research Facility

ATLAS Support Center

Our mission is to support ATLAS physics analyses and hardware R&D, in particular for U.S. ATLAS physicists. We are one of the three ATLAS Support Centers in the U.S.
Research Facility

Electron-Ion Collider

Multifaceted effort in the Physics Division to prepare for EIC, collaboration between Medium Energy, Theory and Accelerator groups, together with HEP and MSD.