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Reference | Reference | Argonne National Laboratory

Biosafety A-Z References

Animals in Research

Currently we do not have an approved animal facility at Argonne (the definition of an animal facility is having a live animal on site longer than 12 hours). Please refer any questions to the Biosafety Officer.

Bacterial Strains

Biosafety Levels and Checklists

Bloodborne Pathogens

CDC-NIH Guidelines

Containment Facilities


Human Subjects Issues

Currently Argonne does not have an institutional review board. Any human subjects issues are reviewed by the IRB at University of Chicago

Importation Permits for Etiologic Agents, Cell Lines, and Live Animals

Infectious Agents



Recombinant DNA Guidelines

Regulated Medical Waste

Medical waste is:

  • Any solid waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of biologicals, excluding hazardous waste identified or listed under 40 CFR Part 261 or any household waste as defined in 40 CFR Subsection 261.4 (b)(1). (EPA Terms and Acronyms)
  • Infectious agents such as human pathological wastes, human blood, and blood products, used or unused sharps (syringes, needles, and blades), certain animal waste, and certain isolation waste 

Safety Manuals

Select Agents

Shipping of Specimens/IATA

Virus-Specific Information

Viral Hepatitis
West Nile Virus