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Reference | Factsheet | Argonne National Laboratory

FY 2017 Argonne Site Sustainability Plan

Argonne National Laboratory is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. Our site sustainability goals are in line with U.S. Department of Energy goals, outlined in Presidential Executive Order 13693.

Argonne’s Sustainability and Environmental Program works hand-in-hand with programmatic scientists and engineers to develop infrastructure and site-wide improvements that not only reduce the laboratory’s greenhouse gas emissions and energy and water usage, but also help support the laboratory’s scientific mission.

Argonne’s FY 2017 Site Sustainability Plan captures the progress the lab made in FY 2016 towards meeting its sustainability goals. The plan also lays the foundation for the innovative solutions we will employ in FY 2017 to meet the challenges we face as we continue to carry our campus into a more sustainable, efficient and forward-thinking future.