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Argonne National Laboratory

Research Facilities

Advanced science and technology to advance science and technology

Argonne maintains a comprehensive suite of research facilities central to the laboratory’s scientific enterprise. From particle accelerators to automotive testbeds, these facilities give Argonne scientists and their collaborators access to tools and techniques found in many instances nowhere else.

Research Facility

Electron-Ion Collider

Multifaceted effort in the Physics Division to prepare for EIC, collaboration between Medium Energy, Theory and Accelerator groups, together with HEP and MSD.
Research Facility


At the MRCAT/EnviroCAT Insertion Device beamline located at the Advanced Photon Source, emphasis is focused on XAS-based studies. Currently, it is the only ID beamline in the United States dedicated to XAS measurements.
Research Facility

Glassblowing Studio

Argonne’s scientific glassblower can be a one-stop shop for your research needs. The Glassblowing Studio provides a wide range of custom glassware to enable breakthrough research.