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Research Group

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  • Nuclear Systems Analysis

    World-class reactor physics, novel and innovative solutions for advanced reactor development, and high fidelity modeling and simulation.
  • Pyroprocess and Waste Form Development

    Our pioneering pyrochemical processes recycle used nuclear fuel into new fuel and durable waste forms. Advanced molten salt technologies support advanced reactor designs and safety analyses.
  • Radiochemistry

    Experimental and theoretical work focused on the development of novel separation methods applicable to the recovery of radioisotopes from targets, and to advanced nuclear fuel cycles.
  • Soft Matter and Biomolecular Materials

    The group focuses on two research areas: active matter and polymer science. A diverse array of interactions and out-of-equilibrium dynamics are deployed to develop synthetic materials and dynamic architectures inspired by biological self-assembly.
  • Reactor Safety and Materials Testing

    Preparing through prediction: Our unique test facilities and advanced computational tools allow for the testing of various reactor materials, systems and components along with prediction of consequences during normal and off-normal reactor events.
  • Nuclear Data Program

    The Nuclear Data research program includes a number of scientific activities carried out within the broad framework of the U.S. Nuclear Data Program (USNDP) Coordinated Work Plan.
  • Low Energy Technical Support

    The Low Energy Technical Support group has many roles supporting the Low Energy Physics group, from routine maintenance and setup of experimental equipment to the design, engineering, and implementation of major projects both at ATLAS and elsewhere.