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Sustainability Program

Green Buildings

Realizing the highest standards in sustainable buildings

At Argonne, we create environments that foster curiosity. Our inspiring spaces are brought to life through the use of smart facility design, energy efficient technologies and healthy, environmentally friendly finishes.

Materials chosen for our buildings are durable and environmentally friendly. We employ the highest standards to reduce energy and water intensity, minimize waste and protect indoor air quality.

We document our green building accomplishments through certification from the US Green Building Council for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and self-reporting for compliance with the Guiding Principles for Federal Sustainable Building’s. We have achieved our goal for 17% of existing buildings to meet green building requirements. We will continue thoughtful, smart design and incorporate sustainability into all building projects.

Green Buildings at Argonne Map

Several buildings on Argonne’s campus have achieved LEED certification or High Performance Sustainable Building (HPSB) status. This map illustrates the locations of our green buildings and construction projects.

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Argonne LEED Buildings

Several of Argonne’s most recent campus additions have achieved certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design by the US Green Building Council.

Advanced Protein Characterization Facility (APCF)

The Advanced Protein Characterization Facility is Argonne’s trailblazing facility where genomic, macromolecular crystallography and synthetic biology research is conducted.

Energy Sciences Building (ESB)

The Energy Sciences Building is a sustainable interdisciplinary sciences laboratory designed to encourage collaboration among the country’s leading energy-related scientists.

Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM)

The Center for Nanoscale Materials is Argonne’s premier user facility that provides expertise, instruments and infrastructure for interdisciplinary nanoscience and nanotechnology research.

Materials Design Laboratory (MDL)

The Materials Design Laboratory, Argonne’s newest building, will allow scientists to discover new materials, understand how they work and put them to use.

Other Federal Sustainable Buildings

We have applied the Guiding Principles for Federal Sustainable Building’s at 11 additional buildings on campus to improve environmental performance and enhance user experience. The result is more efficient buildings and better workspace to foster innovation and collaboration. Highlighted accomplishments include the Enterprise Data Center (EDC) and Laboratory and Office Modules (LOMs) at Advance Photon Source (APS).

Enterprise Data Center construction completed in 2017.

Completed in 2017, the Enterprise Data Center (EDC) supports reduced energy usage on campus by providing a state-of-the- art new data center space into which equipment from older, less-energy- efficient data centers can be moved. High availability, extensive power and cooling backup, and energy efficiency were the major design considerations for the EDC. The data center utilizes high-efficiency building materials, lighting, and mechanical equipment.  

Laboratory/Office Module retrofits completed in 2017.

Seven Laboratory/Office Modules (LOMs) at the Advance Photon Source (APS) area have been retrofitted to meet the Guiding Principles for Federal Sustainable Building’s. Energy efficient lighting, daylighting controls and sustainable operating practices were implemented over a 5-year period at the LOM’s. The addition of heat recovery to the LOM’s after their initial construction allowed these important user-facilities for the APS to meet the energy reduction requirements in the Guiding Principles.

Smart Energy Plaza combines green energy and green transportation.

Argonne’s campus also serves as a living laboratory where sustainable building features are the focus of important scientific and engineering research.  Our Smart Energy Plaza transformed an old gas station into a green energy and transportation research facility. The facility uses an integrated communication and control system
to support the development of
energy management strategies
based on the energy generated on-site, building energy use, and the demands of EV charging.

Success Story: High-Performance Sustainable Buildings

Argonne expands green buildings with material design laboratory

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