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Article | Transportation and Power Systems

Awards and Recognition

Argonne researchers are advancing the state of the art in mobility and engine simulations.

Iliev Honored by SAE

Argonne research engineer Simeon Iliev was one of four winners of the first annual SAE Student and Young Professional Technical Paper Competition. SAE will publish Iliev’s paper and gave him the opportunity to present his work alongside other industry experts at the inaugural SAE Innovations in Mobility event late last year. Since joining Argonne in 2015, Simeon has worked on various projects including testing and evaluation of advanced vehicle technologies. He is currently working on projects involving vehicle-to-vehicle communication and cooperative adaptive cruise control.

HPCwire Recognizes Multi-physics Computational Research Team

Argonne’s Multi-physics Computational Research team earned an HPCwire award for using supercomputer simulations in an effort to significantly improve fuel efficiency and emissions. Considered among the most prestigious recognition given by the high performance computing community, HPCwire prizes are the only ones open to voting by a worldwide audience of end users.

HPCwire recognized the Argonne team for work using high-fidelity simulations to evaluate the efficiency of thousands of computer-simulated engines: The team used Mira, an IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputer housed at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), to analyze the models in just days in an effort to improve fuel efficiency and emissions.

A portion of the team’s work was conducted at the Aramco Research Center-Detroit and Convergent Science Inc., a computational fluid dynamics company based in Madison, Wisc. Aramco funded the simulation campaign and also helped with the data processing and analysis while Convergent provided licenses and technical support for the effort.

Team leader Sibendu Som said he was delighted. ​“It’s wonderful to see our efforts recognized in this way,” he said. We are excited about what our project might yield, and we are thrilled to see others so invested in our work.”