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Accelerator Science and Engineering

Argonne maintains a wide-ranging science and technology portfolio that seeks to address complex challenges in interdisciplinary and innovative ways. Below is a list of all articles, highlights, profiles, projects, and organizations related specifically to accelerator science and engineering.

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  • Yine Sun

    APS linac manager. Electron injector design, optimization and operations.
  • Gary Navrotski

    Dr. Navrotski is a renowned builder of scientific instrumentation including complete X-ray optical and beamline systems. Specialties include materials for high heat-load applications and extreme high vacuum environments.
  • Uli Wienands

    Circular machine Design, Polarized Beams and Channeling Effects in Crystals.
  • Albert Macrander

    As group leader of the Optics Fabrication and Metrology group of the X-ray Science Division, Albert T. Macrander guides optics work for beamlines at Argonne’s synchrotron, the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne.
  • Accelerator Development

    Our accelerator development group conducts a broad range of accelerator R&D to advance technologies for future DOE facilities and other applications.
  • Accelerator R&D

    Accelerator Development in Argonne’s Physics Division specializes in the design, fabrication and commissioning of high-intensity ion and electron accelerator systems
  • Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility

    The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) is a premier electron accelerator with the world’s highest bunch charge to carry out fundamental accelerator research with an emphasis on wakefield acceleration.