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Nuclear Engineering

Argonne maintains a wide-ranging science and technology portfolio that seeks to address complex challenges in interdisciplinary and innovative ways. Below is a list of all articles, highlights, profiles, projects, and organizations related specifically to nuclear engineering.

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    A fuel cycle analysis code based upon the DIF3D solver
  • DIF3D-K

    A Kinetics Code for Solving the Time-Dependent Diffusion Equation
  • DIF3D

    A Code to Solve Steady State Neutron Diffusion and Transport Theory Problems
  • MC2-3

    A code to calculate fast neutron spectra and multigroup cross sections
  • ETOE-2

    A program for ENDF/B to MC2-3 data conversion

    Advanced Dimensional Depletion for Engineering of Reactors

    Ducted Assembly Steady-State Heat transfer software
  • PyARC

    User interface to the ARC deterministic neutronic codes MC2-3, DIF3D, GAMSOR, REBUS, PERSENT, and PROTEUS. PyARC is designed to facilitate input generation, workflow management, and output processing.

    Dynamic Model of Nuclear Deployment

    Algorithm for the Capital Cost Estimation of Reactor Technologies