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Algorithm for the Capital Cost Estimation of Reactor Technologies

Standard Code Description

  1. Coding Language and Computing Platforms
    A set of algorithms under development that are applied typically using Excel.
  2. Description of Purpose
    Set of algorithms for estimating the capital cost of advanced nuclear reactor designs including methods for estimating uncertainties.
  3. Restrictions on the Complexity of the Problems
    Current algorithms are focused on PWRs, but have been applied to SFRs.
  4. Status
    Working versions have been applied to a number of problems, but still under development.
  5. References
    1. F. Ganda, T.A. Taiwo, and T.K. Kim,  ​“Report on the Update of Fuel Cycle Cost Algorithms,” NTRD-FCO-2018-000439, 2018.
    2. F. Ganda, E. Hoffman, T.A. Taiwo, T.K. Kim, and J. Hansen, Report on the ACCERT Cost Algorithms Tool,” ANL/NSE-19/10, 2019.
  6. Primary Author
  7. Sponsor
    U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy