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Argonne Accelerator Institute

About the Argonne Accelerator Institute

The Argonne Accerator Institute was formed in 2006 as a focal point for accelerator initiatives. The institute works to utilize Argonne’s extensive accelerator resources, to enhance existing facilities, to determine the future of accelerator development and construction, and to oversee a dynamic and acclaimed accelerator physics portfolio.

AAI Mission and Goals

The mission of the Argonne Accelerator Institute centers on the following related goals:

  • Locate next generation accelerator facilities in Northern Illinois
  • Advance accelerator technology
  • Oversee a selected, strategic, lab-wide, and acclaimed accelerator R&D portfolio

To accomplish these goals, the institute has established five objectives. These are coupled to programmatic objectives, are dependent on each other, and serve to identify important areas for the institute to focus its activities:

Educate the next generation of accelerator physicists and engineers
  • Work with area universities to establish Joint Appointments and Adjunct Professorships
  • Identify students
  • Provide research opportunities at Argonne
  • Work with the US Particle Accelerator School
  • Coordinate with Fermilab
  • Coordinate with Department of Energy Office of Science
Enhance theory and simulation capabilities
  • Development of codes and parallelization of existing codes. This work is supported through Accelerator and Peta-scale Computing Initiatives, now part of the SciDAC II proposal.
  • Institute theory work enhances on-going theory work in divisions. Supported by Accelerator Initiative and directed by AI chief scientist; use of visiting scientists
Develop experimental facilities for accelerator R&D
  • Imperative for meeting Argonne/Institute goals
  • There is evidence and precedent that good accelerator R&D facilities attract good experiments and good students
  • Cross-cuts Office of Science (SC) programs (almost everywhere these exist) however:
  • We continue to develop unique capabilities and demonstrate complimentary cooperation with facilities elsewhere
  • Best opportunities for establishing new facilities will come via APS Upgrade (i.e., R&D in support of ERL research needs) and ILC
Enhance external communication
  • Supplement (not supersede) communication that takes place between scientists at Argonne and elsewhere.
  • Represent management in accelerator issues with other laboratories, universities
  • Encourage involvement in inter-laboratory large scale projects
  • Act as liaison to the public (along with Government Affairs and Communication and Public Affairs)
  • Provide advocacy for Argonne Accelerator R&D
Enhance internal communication
  • Work effectively across divisions and ALD-ships to further Argonne/Institute goals
    • Most ILC work is cross divisional
    • Laser Wakefield acceleration
    • SRF materials
  • Now includes non-SC entities with Office of Naval Research involvement
  • The Argonne Institute Quarterly Meeting; Intended to keep the Argonne accelerator community informed about what is going on at Argonne, both at high level and technical level with brief updates
  • Beams and Applications seminar series