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70 MeV Drive Linac

Special features of this linear accelerator include the available high charge per bunch and delivery of bunch trains.

The 1.5 cell, 1.3 GHz photoinjector with a Cesium Telluride photocathode produces a short-pulse 8 MeV beam, which is then accelerated by six multi-cell RF cavities to a maximum beam energy of just under 70MeV. Special features of this linear accelerator include the available high charge per bunch and delivery of bunch trains.  Maximum charge in single bunch is 100 nC, and maximum charge available per bunch train is about 600 nC. Bunch trains are produced using single laser pulses directed through a multi-splitter producing bunch trains with tunable delays. The beamline energy is flexible and can be used to deliver beam energy of 8, 28, 48, or 68 MeV as dictated by the needs of the experiment. The beamline is capable of handling a wide dynamic range of charge per bunch ranging from 1 pC to 100 nC.