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The AWA is committed to educating the next generation of accelerator scientists and engineers. Over the last decade, the AWA has supported graduate-student research on a variety of advanced accelerator physics topics. The facility maintains a yearly average of graduating three Ph.D.’s per year and regularly hosts undergraduate students as summer interns.

Graduate Students

John Power
Group Leader

Chunguang Jing​

Sergey Antipov

Eric Wisniewski (IIT)
Photoinjector studies​

Gwanghui Ha (Pohang, Korea)
Emittance exchange implementation

Jiahang Shao (Tsinghua)
Field emission and breakdown​





Qiang Gao (Tsinghua, China)​
Transformer ratio enhancement





Dan Wang (Tsinghua, China)
W-band collinear wakefield​





Kueifu Lai (Cornell)​
Photonic Topological Insulator structure (PTI)





Yanru Wang (IMP, China)
Electron radiography imaging​





Mark Warren (IIT)​
Novel photocathodes

Nicole Neveu

Nicole Neveu (IIT)
Multi-objective beam dynamics





Hao Zha (Tsinghua, China)
Choke mode cavity​

Lianmin Zheng

Lianming Zheng (Tsinghua)
Thermal emittance, photocathodes​

Ryan Roussel

Ryan Roussel (UCLA)
Plasma wakefield acceleration using shaped bunches​

Xueying Lu (MIT)
Metamaterial structure​





Nathan Xin Nie (U Chicago)​
Scaling of transformer ratio





Chen Li (Tsinghua, China)
BBU studies​

Maomoa Peng

Maomao Peng (Tsinghua)
High gradient dielectric-loaded accelerator test​

Chen Gongxiaohui (IIT)
Ultra-crystalline diamond photocathode 

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Mitchell Schneider (MSU)​

Julian Picard (MIT)
High power generation with a metamaterial​

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Tianzhe Xu (NIU)
Flat beam generation​


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Jimin Seok (UNIST)​
Multi-energy beam generation using EEX



Sasha Siy (UW

Undergraduate Students

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Tamara Gonzalez Acevedo (University of Puerto Rico)

Jens Carter

Jens Carter (UW)