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Electron Beam Phase Space Manipulation

Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) is actively working on the beam phase space manipulation theory and its experimental demonstration. Currently the major research item at AWA is emittance exchange and its applications.

Electron beam’s 6D phase space distribution determines most of important characteristics of modern accelerators. High brightness beam, for example, is indispensable for both HEP and light source communities, equally spaced micro-bunches can significantly improve the coherence of the radiation, and longitudinal tailoring can provide an efficient way to accelerate the particle beams. All kind of rearranges of 6D beam distribution is called phase space manipulation, and it can lead to significant enhancement on the performance and capability of accelerators.

Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) is actively working on the beam phase space manipulation theory and its experimental demonstration. Currently the major research item at AWA is emittance exchange and its applications. A single emittance exchange beamline was installed in 2015, and it is under upgrade to a double emittance exchange beamline to extend its experimental capabilities.