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2012 Users Meeting

2012 CNM Users Meeting

May 7-10, 2012

CNM Plenary Session

  • Keynote Speaker: Caroline Ross (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "Templated Block Copolymers for Nanolithography"
  • Horacio Espinosa (Northwestern University), "Recent Advances in Nanoelectromechanical Switches"
  • Esmeralda Yitamben (CNM, Argonne National Laboratory), "Tracking Amino Acids Inside Chiral Quantum Corrals"
  • Paul Evans (University of Wisconsin at Madison), "Structural Consequences of Ferroelectric Nanolithography"
  • Pingshan Wang (Clemson University), "High-Frequency Magnetization Dynamics in Patterned Permalloy Thin Films"
  • Invited Student Talk: Pongsakorn Kanjanaboos (University of Chicago), "Measurement of Resonant Frequencies and Modes of Free-Standing Nanoparticle Monolayers"

APS/CNM/EMC Thematic Workshops

  • "Operando Characterization of Energy Systems"
    Co-Organizers: Steve Heald (XSD), Yugang Sun (CNM), Jianguo Wen (MSD)
  • "Probing the Interface between Biological Systems and the Environment"
    Co-Organizers: Stefan Vogt (XSD), Tijana Rajh (CNM), Ed O'Loughlin (BIO)
  • "Imaging at All Length and Time Scales"
    Co-Organizers: Kamel Fezzaa (XSD), Nathan Guisinger (CNM), Marc De Graef (Carnegie Mellon University)

CNM Workshop

  • "NanoBio Interfaces: From Materials Design to Complex Systems"
    Co-Organizers: Elena Rozhkova and Chris Fry

Short Courses

  • Functional Imaging with Ambient Atomic Force Microscopy, Organizer: Maxim Nikiforov
  • Confocal Raman Microscopy, Organizer: Dave Gosztola
  • Practical Methods for Fabricating Nanostructures and Devices, Organizer: Ralu Divan
  • High-Performance Computing Techniques for Materials Modeling and Nanophotonics, Organizer: Michael Sternberg

Poster Session

The combined APS/CNM/EMC poster session was held on Tuesday evening, May 8, 2012, in TCS Building 240. Over forty CNM users contributed posters, including 20 students. The winners of the two Best CNM Student Poster Prizes were:

  • Raman A. Shah, University of Chicago
    "Orientational Interpolation of the Optical Spectra of Nonspherical Nanoparticles"
  • Poh-Keong Ng, University of Illinois at Chicago
    "Comparison between Bulk and Nanoscale Copper-Silicide"

Vendor Expo