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The energy security of international allies and partners is a key U.S. foreign policy objective. Energy diversification and interconnectivity among nations as well as resilient and secure energy infrastructure systems are crucial to achieving this objective. These priorities are also key to countering the abilities of America’s adversaries to use energy supplies and routes as tools for political or economic coercion as part of multidimensional hybrid warfare campaigns.

GEST applies cross-organizational capabilities to solve contemporary and evolving global energy security challenges. Through GEST, Argonne modeling capabilities are aligned with U.S. Government initiatives to identify areas within global energy for prioritized security and resilience investments. This includes supporting diversification and interconnectivity investments to counter malign influence from foreign actors.

The initial focus of GEST capabilities is on energy systems in Central and Eastern Europe to coincide with U.S. Government priority programs that seek to bolster reliability and resilience of regional grid and pipeline networks. For example, Argonne experts helped the U.S. Departments of Energy and State strengthen energy security in Moldova.

Argonne experts help Department of Energy strengthen energy security in Moldova

In the fall of 2019, Moldova needed to identify viable alternative routes and sources of natural gas in the event of a disruption in natural gas supply to the country during the 2019-2020 winter. Argonne researchers stepped in to help.