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The Decision and Infrastructure Sciences (DIS) division at Argonne National Laboratory conducts applied research and analysis to deliver tools and methodologies to solve national risk and resilience challenges. Our work builds on decades of decision science and infrastructure analysis expertise. We leverage a multidisciplinary team of experts who collaboratively research, design, develop, and implement technical solutions related to infrastructure risk and resilience; national preparedness; counterterrorism; emergency and disaster mitigation, response, and recovery; and social and behavioral systems.

Our sponsors include the U.S. Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, and Defense, as well as state and local partners and private sector entities.

Our expertise encompasses:

  • Infrastructure science
  • Emergency and disaster analysis
  • Threat analysis
  • Social, behavioral, and decision science


  • Engineers
  • Computer scientists
  • Geospatial analysts
  • Statisticians
  • Economists


  • Social scientists
  • Urban planners
  • Lawyers
  • Public policy experts


  • Risk management/security professionals
  • Decision science analysts
  • Intelligence analysis