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Social, Behavioral, and Decision Science

Our novel approach to decision science and analysis combines expertise with one-of-a-kind facilities to solve the world’s most complex scientific challenges.

National and global security issues involve countless complex, interdependent systems that feature myriad political, economic, operational, environmental, technological, and behavioral inputs. Understanding these systems, characterizing how they interact, and predicting their performance in future conditions requires powerful multidisciplinary analytical expertise and computing resources.

We develop and apply novel modeling strategies to address pressing national challenges in decision science and analysis. We approach the complex problems facing our sponsors as dynamic and interrelated systems in order to address uncertainty, rapidly changing environments, and imperfect or incomplete data. Combining novel models with traditional deterministic methods enables us to provide better information to key decision makers.

We offer the following capabilities:

  • Modeling and simulation. We apply novel methods for agent-based modeling, complex adaptive system modeling, system dynamics, and complex network analysis to facilitate decision making.
  • Software development. We create software tools to broaden the applicability of and access to modeling and simulation.
  • High-performance computing resources. We leverage the specialized computing resources that are increasingly needed required to build trusted models.