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Educational Programs and Outreach

Community College Internship Report Guidelines

The following is adapted from the DOE CCI Program Deliverables Requirements and Guidelines, and is written for participants in the Community College Internship (CCI) program.

The CCI project report is a narrative on meaningful outcomes and accomplishments made during your internship. It is not intended to be a scientific publication. The target audience for the report is non-specialists who have general scientific or technical knowledge and research experience. The report must be submitted in PDF format to the WARS online system prior to the end of your appointment. It should contain the following core components:


A 300-word, single-paragraph summary of the principal facts and conclusions of the project, organized to reflect its pattern of emphasis. The abstract should appear on a page separate from the main body.

Main Body

The main body of your report cannot contain more than three figures and cannot exceed six pages (this includes the reference section). It must contain the following six sections:


The introduction should provide the context of past and competing technical work that motivated the project, explain how the present activity goes beyond that work, explain proposed technical objectives of your work (and how well they were met), and include any additional objectives that developed in the course of your activity.


This section should details the technical approach taken by the project and the results, while stressing the most significant accomplishments and impacts.

Future Work

In this section, you will briefly state future activities anticipated or planned, with estimates of the required scope to achieve or extend the project deliverables.

Impact on Laboratory or National Missions

In this section, you will describe your project’s connection and relevance to the Department of Energy (DOE) and and the laboratory’s missions, as well as its impact on other projects, including both: (a) changes to direction of existing projects, and/or (b) new work or new capabilities resulting from your project. Please include a statement regarding the source of funding for your primary research project.


This section summarizes the main points of your report, including any conclusions that can be drawn based on the evidence presented within the report, before ending with a graceful termination.


Any reference to scholarly work within the report should be fully cited in the reference section. References should be written according to the AIP Style Manual 4th Edition; excerpts of the manual are available on page 10 of the DOE SULI Guidelines. Please note that in-text citations should be labeled with numerical scripts ([1], [2], [3], etc.) within the main body, and then fully cited in numerical order in the reference section.


Along with providing supplementary information about your project, the appendix must include the following two sections:

Participants Table

A table with the names, institutions, and roles of each person involved in your project.

Scientific Faculties

A statement naming any scientific user facility that was part of your project activities.

Notable Outcomes

In this final section, list any articles, patent disclosures, laboratory technical reports, invited/contributed conference/workshop presentations, technical documents, and/or internal presentations resulting from activities performed during your appointment. Include full bibliographical citations, co-authors, affiliations, titles, and/or venues, where appropriate.

Report Format

  • 1 inch margins on all sides
  • 12-point font
  • Times or Times New Roman font
  • single-spaced paragraphs
  • maximum of three figures 
  • main body is no more than six pages (including references, excluding abstract, appendix, and notable outcomes)

AIP Format

The following examples are copied from page 9 of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Style Manual 4th Edition:

For a journal article

Author’s first name or initial, Author’s last name, Title of journal article,” Name of Journal. Volume Number (Issue Number), Page Numbers (Year of Publication).

Example: Gale Young and R.E. Funderlic, Positron decay in Na,” J. Appl. Phys. 44, 5151-5153 (1973).

For a book reference

Author’s first name or initial, Author’s last name, Book Title, Edition Number and Names of Editors. (Publisher, City of Publication, Year of Publication), Page Number.

Example: L.S. Birks, Electronic Probe Microanalysis, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1971), p. 40.