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Summer camps will be in-person this year. Applications will open soon.


The Learning Center provides on-site activities that enable visiting students to gain first-hand exposure to Argonne’s unique culture of innovation and collaboration. It contains four student research laboratories, three classrooms, and a computer lab which sits inside the control room of one of the first high-energy particle accelerators in the world. Through Learning Labs, summer camps, and high school research programs, we welcome visiting students into the Argonne community and provide unique and powerful experiences that immerse our future scientists and engineers in the perspectives and approaches that make Argonne a leader in scientific research.

Educational Programs and Outreach Mailing List

Educational Programs and Outreach uses immersive and engaging programs to create STEM pathways for students throughout their journeys. We offer many opportunities for students, families, education professionals, and others to help students learn and grow. Stay up-to-date on our latest science competitions, summer camps, undergraduate and graduate internships, and more by subscribing to our email list.