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Educational Programs and Outreach

Crack the COVID Case

Virtual Escape Room

Virtually escape Argonne’s research labs to solve an outbreak mystery!


In this virtual learning experience, students are guided by an Argonne Learning Center facilitator through the investigation of a fictitious COVID-19 outbreak involving three friends that either got infected at school or on the weekend while they were hanging out. Students will take on the role of Argonne interns and investigate and assess the risks associated with COVID-19 through a series of virtual Argonne-inspired escape rooms. By leveraging a combination of data analysis, scientific understanding of how COVID-19 spreads,  mitigation strategies and objective risk assessment, students are put in the role of decision makers to determine where these students most likely got infected and if the school should transition to remote learning.  

What the Students Will Be Doing

This experience is facilitated through a video conferencing platform (Zoom, Google, BlueJeans, etc.). Students can be in-class, remote learning or in a hybrid arrangement. After an introduction to Argonne and the escape room experience by our Learning Center instructors, students will break out into small groups to work through the escape rooms together. As they do so, they will build knowledge of both COVID-19 and the experiences of the three fictitious students. At the end of the experience, they will meet together as a class to share what they have learned and decide where the students were most at risk for COVID-19 infection and use this to escape the lab.

Request a Virtual Escape Room Session

Help us to design an escape room experience that works for you and your students’ unique learning situation.

Provide Group Information

Requesting a Session

Because there are a wide variety of classroom structures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask that you describe your current situation by submitting the requested information through the application linked above so that we design an experience that works best for you and your students. Completing a request does not guarantee that a session can be arranged, but after one is submitted an Educational Programs staff member will reach out to discuss possible options.