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High Energy Physics

Research Groups

Photo courtesy of CERN.

Research Group

Cosmological Physics and Advanced Computing

This group studies some of the most exciting fundamental science problems: dark energy, dark matter, and the nature of primordial fluctuations—uniting theorists, observers, computer and computational scientists, applied mathematicians, and statisticians.
Research Group

Experimental Cosmology

The Experimental Cosmology Group focuses on studies of the cosmic microwave background, the relic radiation left over from the early universe. Group members work on cutting edge sensor development and related technologies.
Research Group


The development of new instrumentation, particularly detector technology, provides a common thread that links together a wide range of high-energy physics projects and programs.
Instrumentation and Devices
Research Group

Intensity Frontier

Researchers at the Intensity Frontier investigate some of the rarest processes in nature, including unusual interactions of fundamental particles and subtle effects that require large data sets to observe and measure.
Research Group

Theoretical High Energy Physics

Much of the work of high energy physics concentrates on the interplay between theory and experiment. The Argonne Theory Group is active in exploring the particle physics Standard Model and in searching for avenues to go beyond it.