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The development of new instrumentation, particularly detector technology, provides a common thread that links together a wide range of high-energy physics projects and programs.

The development of new instrumentation, particularly detector technology, provides a common thread that links together a wide range of high-energy physics projects and programs.  In order to better understand our universe, we need ways to build detectors with fast response (usually billionths of a second), precision sensitivity to minute signals, and that are still affordable to fabricate.

To fashion new detectors, Argonne’s High Energy Physics division relies on a long history of collaboration with groups both within and outside the laboratory.  Argonne will continue to develop partnerships that transcend divisional boundaries to help us find the materials and techniques that will lead to the next generation of detectors for a wide range of experiments. We have to be ready and able to leverage all the laboratory’s strengths to make the most effective contribution to the field as a whole.

    Research Area

    Mechanical Engineering

    In recent years the Mechanical Support Group has participated in the construction of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter, as well as detectors for the MINOS and NOvA experiments.
    Research Area

    The SoLID Experiment

    The unprecedented combination of luminosity and acceptance, made possible with the SoLID apparatus in Hall A, will unlock access to physics processes that cannot be measured anywhere else.