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Human Resources

A Culture of Discovery

Every day there are activities ranging from talks to town halls and more. Participating on campus gives you the option of networking with colleagues and becoming part of a diverse community of fellow scientists, engineers and support staff.

Argonne’s scientists, engineers and support staff are dedicated to solving society’s most pressing problems in sustainable energy, a clean environment, economic competitiveness and national security. Argonne pursues big, ambitious ideas that redefine what is possible. Our pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries pushes the boundaries of fundamental science, applied science and engineering to solve complex challenges and develop useful technologies that can transform the marketplace — and change the world.

The world’s best and brightest minds come to Argonne National Laboratory to make scientific discoveries and technological innovations that improve the quality of life throughout the nation and the world.

The many awards our scientist and engineers have earned through the years, as well as thousands of product patents in every science field, provide the evidence for Argonne’s enduring spirit of excellence.

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