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Argonne National Laboratory

Nexus Publications

Chard, Ryan; Pruyne, Jim; McKee, Kurt; Bryan, Josh; Raumann, Brigitte; Ananthakrishnan, Rachana; Chard, Kyle; Foster, Ian T. Globus automation services: Research process automation across the space-time continuum” Future Generation Computer Systems (January 2023)

Vescovi, Rafael; Chard, Ryan; Saint, Nickolaus D.; Blaisik, Ben; Pruyne, Jim; Bicer, Tekin; Lavens, Alex; Liu, Zhengchun; Papka, Michael E.; Narayanan, Suresh; Schwarz, Nicholas; Chard, Kyle; Foster, Ian T. Linking scientific instruments and computation: Patterns, technologies and experiences.” Patterns (October 2022)

Trifan, Anda; Defne Gorgun; Michael Salim; Zongyi Li; Alexander Brace; Maxim Zvyagin; Heng Ma et al. Intelligent resolution: Integrating Cryo-EM with AI-driven multi-resolution simulations to observe the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 replication-transcription machinery in action.” The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 36, no. 5-6: 603-623. (2022)

Al-Saadi, Aymen; Dong H. Ahn; Yadu Babuji; Kyle Chard; James Corbett; Mihael Hategan; Stephen Herbein et al. Exaworks: Workflows for exascale.” In 2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), pp. 50-57. IEEE (2021)

Vescovi, Rafael; Hanyu Li; Jeffery Kinnison; Murat Keçeli; Misha Salim; Narayanan Kasthuri; Thomas D. Uram; and Nicola Ferrier. Toward an automated hpc pipeline for processing large scale electron microscopy data.” In 2020 IEEE/ACM 2nd Annual Workshop on Extreme-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP), pp. 16-22. IEEE (2020)

Salim, Michael A.; Thomas D. Uram; J. Taylor Childers; Prasanna Balaprakash; Venkatram Vishwanath; and Michael E. Papka. Balsam: Automated scheduling and execution of dynamic, data-intensive HPC workflows.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08704 (2019)

Salim, Michael; Thomas Uram; J. Taylor Childers; Venkatram Vishwanath; and Michael Papka. Balsam: Near real-time experimental data analysis on supercomputers.” In 2019 IEEE/ACM 1st Annual Workshop on Large-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP), pp. 26-31. IEEE (2019)

Balaprakash, Prasanna; Romain Egele; Misha Salim; Stefan Wild; Venkatram Vishwanath; Fangfang Xia; Tom Brettin; and Rick Stevens. Scalable reinforcement-learning-based neural architecture search for cancer deep learning research.” In Proceedings of the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, pp. 1-33. (2019)

Balaprakash, Prasanna; Michael Salim; Thomas D. Uram; Venkat Vishwanath; and Stefan M. Wild. DeepHyper: Asynchronous hyperparameter search for deep neural networks.” In 2018 IEEE 25th international conference on high performance computing (HiPC), pp. 42-51. IEEE (2018)

Kostuk, M.; Uram, T.; Evans, T.; Orlov, D.; Papka, Michael; and Schissel, D. Automatic Between-Pulse Analysis of DIII-D Experimental Data Performed Remotely on a Supercomputer at Argonne Leadership Computing Facility.” Fusion Science and Technology, 74, 1-9, 10.1080/15361055.2017.1390388. (2018)

Salim, Michael; Thomas Uram; J. Taylor Childers; Venkat Vishwanath; and Michael E. Papka. Toward real-time analysis of experimental science workloads on geographically distributed supercomputers.” 8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing, in conjunction with SC18 (2018)