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Environmental Science

Below is a comprehensive list of articles, events, projects, references and research related content that is specific to the organization described above. Use the filter to narrow the results further or please visit Environmental Science Division for more information.

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  • Energy Zone Planning Tool

    Federal program considers nine clean energy technologies for planning clean energy zones in the eastern United States
  • Bio-Available Iron from Atmospheric Dust

    EVS is using X-ray techniques and climate models to investigate the key mechanisms that control the solubility and bioavailability of iron in atmospheric dust, a major iron source for the marine ecosystem.
  • Glen Canyon LTEMP EIS

    Glen Canyon Dam, a 1,300-MW water-storage and hydroelectric facility is located on the Colorado River upstream of the Grand Canyon. EVS is evaluating the effects of dam operations on the Colorado River.
  • Multi-Functional Landscapes

    EVS is demonstrating the feasibility of integrating perennial biomass crops into agricultural landscapes to produce bioenergy feedstock and commodity crops while providing multiple ecosystem services.
  • NORM Waste Management

    EVS supports sustainable approaches to manage and regulate petroleum industry wastes that contain elevated concentrations of NORM by evaluating the potential risks and costs associated with these wastes.
  • RESRAD: A Tool for Site Cleanup

    The RESRAD family of computer codes is a regulatory tool for evaluating radiologically contaminated sites, specifically designed to help determine the allowable RESidual RADioactivity in site cleanup.