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Physical Sciences and Engineering

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is a powerful method for the measurement of very low abundance nuclei even in a background of much stronger isobars.

The technique at ATLAS is applicable to many rare nuclei (including very low abundance nuclei 10-9 to 10-16) for many scientific goals, but one of the most important areas of research at ATLAS is the measurement of cross-sections of astrophysical reactions by activation when the product nuclide cannot be measured by decay counting due to its long half-life. The ATLAS facility is the only laboratory where AMS of medium-heavy ions (90 < A < 150) is feasible with isobaric separation. Other programs have included dating of ocean water to understand flow rates and patterns and neutron capture cross-sections on a wide range of isotopes.


    Ernst Rehm


    Michael Paul, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

    Philippe Collon, Notre Dame University