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Argonne’s Physics Division maintains and develops new instrumentation to enhance the capabilities of its facilities, most notably the Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS). Specific capabilities of different instrumentation components operated by the Physics Division are described below.

Research Capability

Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer

AGFA is a state-of-the-art gas-filled separator at ATLAS, which can be used for studies of heavy and superheavy nuclei as well as to prepare exotic radioactive beams for mass measurements and laser spectroscopy.
Research Capability

Canadian Penning Trap

The Canadian Penning Trap (CPT) is used to conduct precise mass measurements of nuclides available at the ATLAS facility. By measuring the cyclotron frequency of the ions, a precise determination of the mass can be made.
Research Capability

Fragment Mass Analyzer

The Fragment Mass Analyzer (FMA) is a recoil mass separator. It separates products of nuclear reactions from unreacted beams and disperses them according to their mass-to-charge state ratio (M/q).
Research Capability


Gammasphere is one of the world’s most powerful spectrometers for nuclear structure research and is especially suited to collecting gamma-ray data following the fusion of heavy ions.
Research Capability


SOLARIS is a new solenoidal spectrometer system to be developed for the study of direct reactions with radioactive ion beams.
Research Capability

The N=126 Factory

The N=126 factory is a new experimental system at ATLAS developed to provide low-energy mass separated beam of radioactive isotopes produced through multi-nucleon transfer reactions.