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Medium Energy Seminar

Schedule for the 2022-2023 season

Medium Energy Seminars are usually held in Conference Room B-221 of the Physics Division on Tuesdays at 4 PM CDT. This season, the talks will be held in a virtual or hybrid format (as specified).
13 December 2022

Nikos Sparveris, Temple University
The Generalized Electromagnetic Polarizabilities of the Proton
Host: Chao Peng

28 February 2023

Henry Klest, Stony Brook University
Teaching Old Experiments New Tricks: Measuring Modern Jet Observables Using Archived H1 e+p DIS Data
Host: Zein-Eddine Meziani

9 March 2023

Ching Him (Hugo) Leung, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Probing Antiquark and Gluon Distribution of Nucleon at SeaQuest
Slides available here.
Host: Zein-Eddine Meziani

16 March 2023

Xiaoyu Liu, The Ohio State University
Measurement of Directed Flow at the STAR Experiment at RHIC
Host: Zein-Eddine Meziani