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Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System


The Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) is the world’s first superconducting linear accelerator for heavy ions at energies in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier. This is the energy domain best suited to study the properties of the nucleus, the core of matter and the fuel of stars. ATLAScan provide beams of essentially all stable isotopes from protons to uranium, and a variety of light radioactive beams through our in-flight production program and heavier neutron-rich isotopes from CARIBU.

ATLAS is a U.S. Department of Energy User Facility that hosts roughly 200to 300users each year. It is supported by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the Department of Energy. ATLAS users come from U.S. universities and national laboratories as well as from foreign institutions. The facility is also accessible to industrial users. 

The mission statement for ATLASas well as a strategic planning for the facility is guided by the needs of the users.

The strategic plan defines the facility’s main goals and is aligned with the U.S. Nuclear Physics long-range plan priorities. The ATLASstrategic plan is available here.

Users of ATLAStake advantage of the existing experimental equipment such as the Canadian Penning Trap (CPT) mass spectrometer, the Fragment Mass Analyzer (FMA), the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer (AGFA), the helical orbit spectrometer (HELIOS), the Enge magnetic spectrograph, Gammasphere and/or GRETINAMUSIC(multi-sampling ionization chamber), and the X-Array. Beam lines are also available for experiments where users bring their own equipment. The Physics support group is available to assist users in all preparations for their measurements.

Beam time at ATLAS is granted on the basis of proposals that are reviewed by the ATLASProgram Advisory Committee, which meets roughly twice a year. If you are interested in proposing an experiment as a first-user, please contact our User Liaison Physicist Shaofei Zhu.



Guy Savard



Robert Bertrand

Grant Bilbrough

Ben Blomberg

Scott Borkowski

Lee Carlquist

Andrew Cravatta

Clayton Dickerson

Arnold Germain

Matthew Hendricks

Mark Hetherington

Anthony Krupa

Yong (John) Luo

Nicholas Pastore

Christopher Peters

Maria Power

Robert Scott

Sergey Sharamentov

Eric Swanson

Richard Vondrasek

Loren Weber

Shaofei Zhu