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Reference | Abstract | Physics

In-source laser spectroscopy studies of charge radii across the lead region

Heavy Ion Discussion Group - 21 October 2022

James Cubiss, University of York

Laser spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying fundamental nuclear properties. By observing small changes in atomic transitions, we can deduce the spins, changes in mean-squared charge radii and the electromagnetic moments of ground and isomeric states across long chains of isotopes. This allows wide ranging studies of how structures evolve across the nuclear chart.

The in-source resonance ionisation technique is a highly efficient method, which when combined with the sensitivity of radiation detection systems such as the Isolde Decay Station (IDS) and mass spectrometry devices like the MR-ToF-MS of ISOLTRAP, allows access to exotic nuclides with extremely low production rates. I will introduce the method and some of the techniques used to study isotopes in the vicinity of Z=82, a region that has proven a hot bed of nuclear shape phenomena. Highlights will be given of results from campaigns studying the charge radii of gold, mercury and bismuth isotopes at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. Preliminary results will also be presented for experiments on neutron-rich thallium, actinium and polonium isotopes, taken during the 2022 commissioning of the Perpendicularly Illuminated Laser Ion Source and Trap (PI-LIST).

Host: Ben Kay