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Reference | Abstract | Physics

Nuclear ab Initio Studies for Neutrino Oscillations

Nuclear ab Initio Studies for Neutrino Oscillations



University of Mainz

Date: April 11, 2023 Time : 10:00 AM CST

Location: Bldg. 203, B221
Mtg Link: Click here to join the meeting

We are entering an era of high-precision neutrino oscillation experiments (T2HK, DUNE), which potentially hold answers to some of the most exciting questions in particle physics. Their scientific program requires a precise knowledge of neutrino-nucleus interactions coming from fundamental nuclear studies. Ab initio many- body theory has made great advances in the last years and is able to give relevant predictions for medium-mass nuclei important for the neutrino experiments.

In my talk I will give an overview of the recent progress that has been made in describing neutrino-nucleus scattering within the ab-initio coupled-cluster framework, combined with the Lorentz integral transform. These techniques open the door to obtaining nuclear responses (and consequently cross-sections) for medium-mass nuclei starting from first principles