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Reference | Abstract | Physics

Spectroscopic studies of N=Z nuclei at JYFL-ACCLAB

Heavy Ion Discussion Group - 7 October 2022

Panu Ruotsalainen, University of Jyväskylä

Nuclei residing close or at the N=Z line have attracted attention already for decades due to the various interesting physics phenomena associated with these systems. For example, the concept of isospin symmetry, arising from the charge-symmetry and charge-independence characteristics of the strong nuclear force, can be probed by measuring excited states in the N=Z-2, N=Z and N=Z+2 nuclei forming isobaric triplets.

Currently, information on the T=1 states in N=Z-2 and N=Z nuclei with mass A=62-78 are relatively scarce. This has been a major hindrance to advance the isospin symmetry breaking investigations at the heavier end of the N=Z line. During the past few years, the isobaric triplets in the A=62-78 mass region have been systemically studied at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä (JYFL-ACCLAB). These studies, using fusion evaporation reactions, employed the vacuum-mode recoil separator MARA and JUROGAM 3 germanium array together with ancillary detector systems and decay-correlation techniques.

In this presentation, the recent experimental advances in the instrumentation and methodologies achieved at JYFL-ACCLAB to increase the detection sensitivity for the studies of heavy NZ nuclei will be discussed together with the new spectroscopic data on these systems.

Host: Ben Kay