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Reference | Abstract | Physics

Teaching Old Experiments New Tricks: Measuring Modern Jet Observables Using Archived H1 e+p DIS Data

Henry Klest, Stony Brook University

Teaching Old Experiments New Tricks: Measuring Modern Jet Observables Using Archived H1 e+p DIS Data

A renaissance in jet physics is now underway, with novel, theoretically rigorous approaches to jet measurements being used to probe QCD in new ways using data from hadronic collisions at RHIC and the LHC. It is timely to explore these new techniques using data from high-energy collider experiments, which were recorded before these techniques were developed. In particular, colliders with leptons in the initial state provide a clean and complementary environment to study jets. The H1 Collaboration continues to be active scientifically, and the H1 dataset therefore remains as accessible for high-quality analyses as that for currently running experiments, making it the ideal playground for testing modern QCD analysis approaches on DIS data before the EIC turns on. This talk will focus on the measurement of groomed event shapes in ep DIS collisions, using a set of novel inclusive observables which leverage recent advances such as the Centauro jet algorithm and precision jet grooming phenomenology. The advantages and challenges of the event- wide grooming technique will be discussed, as well as some lessons learned that are applicable to the EIC physics program.