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  • Control and Instrumentation

    Argonne is developing and applying AI technologies to enable the end-to-end control of large scientific instrumentation and facilities that will help address some of the most important scientific challenges facing the nation.
  • Computer Science and Software

    Breakthroughs in AI use machine learning to address computer science challenges and spur development of AI-enabled software and computing environments.
  • Engineering / Manufacturing and Smart Energy

    Advances in technologies such as sensors, networks, and control systems — along with the rise of data analytics and AI — allow increasingly holistic approaches to manufacturing and grid engineering.
  • Biology and Life Sciences

    Advances in data analysis, machine learning, and new hardware architectures will enable precise modification and control of biological and environmental systems.
  • Environment and Climate

    AI approaches will help improve our understanding and advance scientific discovery in Earth and environmental sciences.
  • Chemistry, Materials, and Nanoscience

    Al will become an integral part of a scientist’s toolbox, revolutionizing discovery of materials and chemicals and unraveling complex interactions and the behaviors they govern in materials and chemical systems.
  • Particle Transport

    Our particle transport research focuses on enabling simulation of physical phenomena with higher fidelity than is currently possible.