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HEP and NP Detectors

The Applications team is one of three groups involved in Threadwork that is focused on HEP and NP detectors.

The scope of the application research is to develop concept designs and demonstrate the technological approaches for intelligent detector systems, to develop and combine spiking neural network topological models with material and device characteristics, and to explore how to best optimize and exploit the new capabilities of memtransistor spiking elements. These architecture models will illuminate the potential benefits of material and device breakthroughs, and highlight weaknesses that require further research.

Applications Team

Salman Habib, Lead, Application Team
Argonne National Laboratory

Jinlong Zhang, Physicist
Argonne National Laboratory

Sandeep Madireddy, Assistant Computer Scientist
Argonne National Laboratory

Tatyana Sizyuk, Computational Scientist
Argonne National Laboratory

Angel Yanguas Gil, Principal Materials Scientist
Argonne National Laboratory