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Materials Research

The Materials Research team is one of three groups involved in Threadwork with research emphasized on neuromorphic materials and THz interconnection.

The materials research entails two areas. First Threadwork will explore how the unique properties of two-dimensional semiconductor materials enable opportunities for novel gate-tunable, multiport neuromorphic devices, i.e., memtransistors. Second, Threadwork will investigate THz plasmonics for optical-electrical interconversions with optical interconnects. We will also explore the opportunity for co-development between the two materials research efforts.

Materials Research Team

Anand Bhattacharya, Co-Lead, Materials Research Team
Argonne National Laboratory

Mark Hersam, Co-Lead, Materials Research Team
Northwestern University

Andrew Chien, Lead, Simulations Team
The University of Chicago

Pierre Darancet, Scientist, Nanoscience
Argonne National Laboratory

Xuedan Ma, Scientist, Nanoscience
Argonne National Laboratory

Justin Qian, PhD Student, Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University

Vinod Sangwan, Research Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University

Kevin Liu, Postdoc
Northwestern University